"Thank You. Please Come Again"- Customer Service

“Thank You.  Please Come Again”. The tactful phrase has been a common well-wishers exit by organizations to customers.  The exit statement unlocks a curiosity “Why customers have to come back to your outlet again”.

It is common belief that customers come back to the same outlet only if their needs are fulfilled and satisfied with the overall service. Customer retention involves the offered products and service which are supported with excellent customer service. X Factors such as price range, variation, personnel, appearance, technology advancement, promotion, convenience, safeties and reliability shall determine on continuous customer retention.

For example, customers always prefer a clean and hygienic restaurant compared to filthy and congested cafeteria. Even if the restaurant is clean and hygiene, the following factors shall be considered by customers such as the price of the products, offered choices, atmosphere, Wi-Fi and seating arrangements shall be taken into consideration. Customer satisfaction has constantly grown from periodical to much aligned techno savvy generation.

The elusive questions remain “Does all organizations have continuously conducted analysis on their weakness and IMPROVED their services?” The organizations’ management should be serious in applying changes for improved customer service. Majority organizations still assume that customers shall always come despite average customer service. Since the implementation of service tax, customers have known their rights for exceptional excellent service.

If organizations continue to take things for granted, customers shall always use the phrase “Thank You For Your Lousy, Poor, Out-dated and Incompetent Service. We Shall Never Come Again”.    

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